




Goals and Objectives

Clearly lists and explains current standards and learning expectations

Adequately lists and explains current standards and learning expectations

Somewhat lists and explains current standards and learning expectations

Does not list or explain current standards and learning expectations

Procedures and Activities

Clearly defines, lists, and explains preparation, timeline, and higher-order thinking activities

Adequately defines, lists, and explains preparation, timeline, and higher-order thinking activities

Somewhat lists, and explains preparation, timeline, and higher-order thinking activities

Fails to define, list, and/or explain preparation, timeline, and higher-order thinking activities

Instructional Strategies (ie – cooperative learning, students centered activities)

Instruc-tional strategies are appropriate for goals and objectives and are based on documented best practice

Most instructional strategies are appropriate for goals and objectives and are based on documented best practice

Some instructional strategies are appropriate for goals and objectives and are based on documented best practice

Instructional strategies are missing or strategies are inappropriate

Use of Hand-held Technology Device

Technology selected is appropriate for students and activities. It clearly enhances authentic learning experiences.

Technology selected is appropriate for students and activities. It often enhances authentic learning experiences.

Technology selected may not be appropriate for students and activities. It does not enhance authentic learning experiences.

Technology selected is appropriate not for students or activities. It does not enhance authentic learning experiences.

Student Assessment

Assessment is clearly based on goals and objectives and requires students to demonstrate a deep level of understand-ing. A rubric is provided.

Assessment is based on goals and objectives, but may not require students to demonstrate a deep level of understanding. A rubric is provided.

Assessment is not based on goals and objectives and does not require students to demonstrate a deep level of understand-ing. A rubric is provided.

Assessment is not based on goals and objectives and does not require students to demonstrate a deep level of understand-ing. A rubric is not provided.